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December 1 , 2009

Aeroplan's Arrival Magazine goes social
Online version allows two-way conversations

Aeroplan has announced that the online version of its magazine, Aeroplan Arrival, will now feature interactive polls, article recommendation features and RSS feeds to further engage readers about travel and destinations, arts and culture and the latest Aeroplan rewards. In addition, members will soon be able to comment on articles.

The print and online versions of the magazine feature work by top Canadian and international writers, photographers and illustrators in a fun and engaging format. In keeping with members' top interests, travel content is a focus with inspiring travel ideas, in addition to trends in arts and culture, reward merchandise, member testimonials and program tips.

"Aeroplan has always looked for new ways to be creative, engage our members and enhance the member experience," said Sylvie Bourget, Senior Vice President, Marketing and eBusiness, Aeroplan. "These changes to Arrival are Aeroplan's first steps to allow our members to talk with each other and Aeroplan. We encourage our members to start sharing their travel dreams, and join the conversation on destination tips, trends and insights at aeroplan.com/arrival."

In addition to the new online features, members will enjoy more frequent issues of the print magazine in 2010. The Fall/Winter 2009 issue, which was recently mailed to members, highlights exotic winter getaways as well as holiday entertaining ideas that extend online, where members can redeem for the featured products at Aeroplan.com.

The Spring 2010 issue features articles on Croatia-from the bustling capital, Zagreb, to the dazzling Dalmatian coast-and a road trip around Arizona. Plus, Parisian art alfresco, molecular mixology in Tokyo and an exclusive interview with Michael Bublé.

In early 2008, Aeroplan partnered with Redwood Custom Communications, one of North America's leading custom publishers, to develop Aeroplan Arrival as a print-and now online-magazine.

"Increasing Arrival's frequency to three editions, combined with expanded social media tools for the online edition, will provide both members and advertisers alike a more dynamic and engaging content experience," said Joseph Barbieri, Redwood's SVP Marketing & Businesses Development.

Aeroplan Arrival recently won nine awards at the Magnum Opus Awards including the Gold award for Best Design of a new publication and a Silver award for Best Advertorial Editorial. For more information or to read Aeroplan Arrival, please visit: www.aeroplan.com/arrival.

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